Kennedy Town Land Sale Transaction
Q4 2022
Inland Lot No. 9069
at Sai Ning Street and Victoria Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, has been awarded to the highest tenderer, Grand Harvest (HK) Development Limited, on a 50-year land grant at HK$439,299,000.
Inland Lot No. 9069 has a site area of about 537 sqm and is designated for non-industrial (excluding godown, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes. The minimum gross floor area is 2,578 sqm. The maximum gross floor area for private residential purposes that may be attained is 4,296 sqm. The maximum gross floor area for non-industrial (excluding private residential, godown, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes is computed according to the relevant special condition in the Conditions of Sale. The transacted price was lower than expected.
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