Kennedy Town Shops for Rent
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To Discover your ideal shop for your retail business in Kennedy Town now
3 key advantages for operating a retail business in Kennedy Town.
Strong demand from the local residents, HKU Students and people from other districts.
Kennedy Town is located in the Central Western District where people has the highest average income in Hong Kong.
It has a mature transportation network that can be accessed easily by buses, trams, and MTR.
Belcher’s Street
350 sq. ft.
HK$28,500 per month
8800 sq. ft.
HK$200,000 per month
24,870 sq. ft.
HK$520,000 per month
1,000 sq. ft.
HK$60,000 per month
Catchick Street
220 sq. ft.
HK$16,800 per month
520 sq. ft.
HK$25,800 per month
300 sq. ft.
HK$35,000 per month
3,300 sq. ft.
HK$195,000 per month
1,765 sq. ft.
Rent to be discussed.