Belcher’s Hill
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Belcher’s Hill Building Information:
It was developed by New World Development Company Limited and it is located almost just opposite to Kennedy Town MTR Station exit B from the entrance of Rock Hill Road, while it has another entrance on Belcher’s Street. It provides sizeable units (all with balconies) with regular units from 2.5 bedrooms to 3.5 bedrooms. The majority of units A & B have greenery view and units C & D on higher floor can enjoy sea view.
Year of Completion:
9 Rock Hill Street
1 block with 41 floors and 152 units
2 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms
Typical floor plate (sq. ft. net):
Low Zone Units:
A - 717 | B - 718 | C / D - 581
High Zone Units:
A - 715 | B - 716 | C - 712 | D - 710
Car Parking:
Aerobic & yoga room, multi-function room, gym, pet friendly, outdoor playground, swimming pool, sauna
Distance from Kennedy Town MTR Station:
1 minute
Belcher’s Hill Floor Plans
Belcher’s Hill Layout Sample Videos
Belcher’s Hill Video - High Zone - Unit C - 3.5 Bedrooms
Belcher’s Hil Video - Low Zone - Unit B - 3.5 Bedrooms
Belcher’s Hil Video - High Zone - Unit D - 3.5 Bedrooms
Belcher’s Hill
To buy, list, or rent an apartment
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