Ivy on Belcher’s
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Ivy On Belcher’s (綠意居) Building Information:
Developed by a prestigious landlord - Hongkong Land including 50% of 2-bedroom apartments and 50% of 3-bedroom apartments. Those in the high zone have sea views and mountain views. Those 3-bedroom apartments have a unique layout that can be hardly found in Kennedy Town.
26 Belcher's Street
Year of Completion:
Lease Term:
999 years
1 block with 38 floors and 140 units
2 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms
Typical floor plate (sq. ft. net):
Unit A / D - 535
Units B / C - 399
Barbeque area, clubhouse, gym, pet friendly and playground
Distance from Kennedy Town MTR Station:
3 minutes
Ivy On Belcher’s (綠意居)- Layout Sample Video
Ivy On Belcher’s (綠意居) - High Zone - Unit A - 2 Bedrooms
Ivy on Belcher’s
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